Community Service Program
KGV has a long history of engaging in Community Service. In recent years, we have reflected on how we do this and have come up with a new and refined vision.
Vision for Service
Creating sustainable partnerships that have reciprocal benefits within our community. Fostering the desire, confidence and ability to make a difference.
We want students to
• Become effective project managers
• Use design thinking to solve problems
• Embrace responsibility and appreciate the consequence of actions
• Develop the ability to empathise with others
• Be able to communicate and connect with others
We know students will be successful when...
• They develop and agree on success criteria with community links
• They make informed future choices on principled action
• The inquiry cycle is used to reflect on the impact of their work
• We create sustainable links with community groups
• They can demonstrate an ability to persevere in ‘action’
At the forefront of this, we have a senior student Community Service committee. The group of young leaders research, plan and coordinate multiple service projects in the local community collaborating with various NGOs.
Projects have included:
English Teaching programs
Buddy reading programs
Refugee Art classes
Hospital Visits
Homeless and Subdivided flats support
Special Education support